Fish Jhaal Frezi

Ingredients : small pieces (like cube) ruhi/bhetki fish with vinegar in a bowl about 2 hrs.for marination,kashmiri red chili powder,2 spoons each{onion paste, (ginger+garlic paste), tomato puree/ketchap, youghart }, slim slice of(capsicum+tomato+onion), salt, 1 pinch turmaric(optional), white oil.

Method : pour oil in pan , give sliced veg, slight fry, give onion paste, fry small, give ginger+garlic paste, fry , give fish pieces draining vinegar, stir well, give powder, stir, give tomato puree, salt, youghart, stir and mix well. can give green chilli slice as per requirement, continuous stirr and fry . when fish and veg. are soft then pour in a bowl. now ready to serve.