Treatments for Rosacea

17/07/2010 00:37
Author: Andy Rebeca
Rosacea is a common chronic skin condition that mainly affects the face. Symptoms begin with episodes of facial flushing. People with rosacea may experience spots and persistent redness of their skin. Small blood vessels in the skin can become visible, and in most severe cases the skin can thicken and enlarge, usually on and around the nose. There is no cure for rosacea, but a range of treatments are available that can help to control the symptoms of the condition.

How common is rosacea?
Rosacea is a condition that most commonly affects fair-skinned people. Most experts believe that 2-5% of people in Europe are affected by the condition. Rosacea affects twice as many women as men (although it tends to be more serious in men). The symptoms usually begin between 30 and 50 years of age.

Triggers of rosacea
While the exact cause of rosacea is unknown, several triggers have been identified that may make the symptoms worse in some people. A survey by the National Rosacea Society of 1,066 rosacea patients showed which factors affect the most people:
Sun exposure - 81%
Emotional stress - 79%
Hot weather - 75%
Wind - 57%
Heavy exercise - 56%
Alcohol consumption - 52%
Hot baths - 51%
Cold weather - 46%
Spicy foods - 45%
Humidity - 44%
Indoor heat - 41%
Certain skin-care products - 41%
Heated beverages - 36%
Certain cosmetics - 27%
Medications - 15%
Medical conditions - 15%
Certain fruits - 13%
Marinated meats - 10%
Certain vegetables - 9%
Dairy products - 8%
Identifying and avoiding the triggers of rosacea can be a useful way of controlling the symptoms.

Rosacea Treatment
There are a number of ways that the symptoms of rosacea can be treated. Facial flushing, Making lifestyle changes, such as avoiding possible triggers, or wearing sunscreen, can be a good way of helping to control the symptoms of facial flushing. Spots and pimples, There are a number of treatments that have proved effective in treating the spots and pimples that are caused by rosacea. The symptoms of visible blood vessels that are associated with rosacea are known as telangiectasia. Treatment for telangiectasia will usually require a referral to a dermatologist (a specialist in treating skin conditions). Laser treatment is one of the most widely used treatments for telangiectasia. The heat from the lasers is used to shrink the blood vessels. While laser treatment can cause some skin pain, most people can tolerate it without the need for using anaesthetic. Persistent redness may be possible to disguise patches of persistent red skin using specially designed 'camouflage' make-up. Thickened skin (rhinophyma), If you have thickened skin (rhinophyma) - a symptom of rosacea that often affects the nose - it is likely that treatment will involve a referral to a plastic surgeon. A number of surgical treatments are available, such as using a laser, or a scalpel, to remove any excess tissue and remodel the nose into a more pleasing shape.

Where can I find treatment for Rosacea in Cheshire?
It is recommended that you get your rosacea treatment in Cheshire from a well experienced and qualified surgeon. This could be quite challenging if you have not come across Cheshire Cosmetic Ltd in Cheshire.