Remedies and treatment for diabetes

17/07/2010 00:46
Author: harry
Most doctors don't hesitate to give you medication but know nothing when it comes to a diabetes natural remedy. Why is this? The main reason is because most traditional doctors have no experience or education in alternative remedies. And this is sad considering how many research studies are now showing that natural cures work with many diseases... including diabetes.The purpose of this article is to show you that you can cure yourself of the very common disease of diabetes though your diet. And this alternative treatment for diabetes can reverse this disease in a matter of weeks.
According to the American Remedies and treatment for diabetes Association some 21 million people in the United States have diabetes. 90 to 95% of those have Type 2 diabetes. In type 2 diabetes either the body doesn't produce enough insulin or the bodies cells are resistant to insulin's effects, causing a build up of glucose in the blood. This build up of glucose in the blood deprives the cells of energy and may eventually damage the eyes, kidneys, nerves or heart.Much experimentation has been done with herbs and vitamins to help control type 2 diabetes. Before you attempt to try any home remedy you should always first consult your doctor. Some herbs or supplements may actually interact with your current medication. Take a list of the dietary supplements or foods you intend to try to your physician for their approval. They will let you know if any of them will be harmful if taken with your normal treatment.


Incorporating exercise in the form of walking into your daily schedule is a great natural treatment for diabetics. Not only is this an exercise that almost anyone can partake in, there are no special pieces of equipment needed. The two fundamentals for this are, a good properly fitted pair of walking shoes and a commitment on your part to stick with it.

Other popular exercises that help with natural treatments for diabetes are biking, low impact aerobics, elliptical machines, swimming and so many others. These and walking, help improve the circulator system. Circulation is one of the issues many diabetics have issues with, thus causing them to loose circulation in their hands and feet.


Dietary modifications are another way for diabetics to control their blood sugar. Prior to the creation of insulin, diets were modified as a means to naturally treat diabetes. Eating a diet high in fiber helps the body to regulate the blood sugar levels. The herb cinnamon has also been shown to aid in the regulation blood sugar levels.

Over the years additional natural remedies have been found to lower blood sugar levels. One of these is called Pycnogenol which is a herbal supplement, derived from the bark of maritime pine grown along the coast of southwest France, has been shown to lower blood sugar levels naturally.find more information .

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