14/07/2010 01:46

Author : Dr. Mrs. Shyamali Roy, Sr. Gynocologist

Literally means


              cystic....fluid filled pockets

              ovary......female organ

              syndrome.....many symptoms grouped                                     in a disease  

This is a disease condition becoming very common in the women folk of recent times. Females ranging from the age group of 13 to 50yrs are affected in various grades of affection.

 The ovaries normally function by forming and releasing an egg every month in women of the reproductive age group. This formation and release of eggs is manged by a well synchronised set of hormones.It is a delicate balance between the hormones. The egg formed in the ovary stay in a fluid filled pocket till it is released in the appropiate time in the menstual cycle. The egg is released by bursting the pocket [cyst] wall.

 In this disease, there is a hormonal imbalance. Egg less cysts are formed which do not burst due to thick cyst wall. These cysts remain in the ovary giving rise to multiple cystic condition. 

 The disease is a multi- hormonal imbalance  condition and thus presents as muti-organ disturbance situation.

The female hormones are decreased while the male hormone level predominates. The other metabolic hormones like the sugar controlling hormone ....insulin level and its function is also affected.

 SYMPTOMS......are thus due to the predominance of male hormones.

 ......the person becomes generally obese and flabby inspite of diet control.

.....the periods are irregular and scanty in flow.

......the person if married is unable to conceive because of eggless cycles

.....the woman develops masculine features. Facial hairs and body hair develops. Hair falling is a major complain, She develops baldness in a male pattern.

.....young girls develop acne over the face which are big and mostly get infected  and leave scars.

.........the patient may develop complications due to obesity

 Sometimes there may be variations to the above commonly found symptoms. There may be PCOS patiets who are thin and do not develop hairy changes.

 DIAGNOSIS............is based on an series of tests involving blood examination and body homonal levels. 

 Ultrasonography is a very diagnostic investigation and is mandatory.

 The gynaecologist after care fully reading the report and assesing the severity of the symptoms diagnose the disease and finally chart out a treatment plan.

TREATMENT....mainly is customized for every individual depending on the problems of the patient.

The basic plan involves ...

Lifestyle modifications. Non fatty diet with low carbohydrate intake helps the obese patient.

Exercise of moderate intensity has to become a way of life.

Attending a proffessional gym to reduce weight will help in a positive way to treat these patients.

Medicinal treatment will be the gynaecologist discretion.

If the lady is married and is anxious for an issue she will b put on anti male hormones for a while and drugs which help in egg production and release of eggs by rupturing the cyst wall.

If the lady is unmarried and obesity and acne and hair loss being the main problem...she is treated likewise. A dermatologist's help is also insisted to relieive the lady of her problems.

 PCOS  has to be decided and treated with immense patience both by the doctor as well the patient because its a disease which takes time to cure.