Home remedies for Asthma

17/07/2010 00:48
Author: harry
Asthma is a life-threatening respiratory disorder and if it is not managed properly can lead to serious problems. There are several simple home remedies that are very supportive and helpful in treating this chronic disease. These home remedies can be easily prepared at the comfort of home. All the ingredients involved in these home remedies for asthma are easily available in your kitchen.
What is Asthma?

Asthma is a lungs disease that causes breathing impairment in you due to blocked air passages. Asthma sufferers have highly sensitive airways, which constrict when they become irritated. This makes it difficult for the air to pass through the obstructed airways. The main factors responsible for severe asthma attacks are allergens, irritants or anxiety, low blood pressure, extreme arid or moist environments or stress.You will find numerous pharmaceutical drugs used for asthma control, either to minimize swelling and mucus production in the airways, or to sooth smooth muscle around the airways. But unfortunately, these drugs have many life-threatening side effects, especially in cases of prolonged usage.

Natural Home Remedies for Asthma

There are a lot of natural home remedies out there and finding the one that is both perfect for you and actually works can be a difficult experience, so here are some natural home remedies that might make that experience a little bit easier. Today one of the most popular natural home remedies for asthma would be honey. Yes, you read that right, regular honey right out of your kitchen! It is said that by smelling the honey it can actually reduce your symptoms.

A lot of people who suffer from nocturnal asthma know how difficult the night time hours can be, but vitamin C may very well be the answer. Vitamin C is said to help prevent those symptoms that occur during the night and early hours of the morning, so by taking vitamin C before bed could help reduce some of your night time symptoms. Sometimes out of all the home remedies there is just nothing better then good old-fashioned fresh air, simply setting outdoors can help reduce your asthma symptoms, but be careful to avoid dust and cold weather.

Asthma Home Remedies

* The first thing you need to do is to know various allergens that may trigger the symptoms, and try to avoid them.

* Take one teaspoon turmeric (haldi) powder two times a day along with warm water. This is an effective home remedies for asthma.

* Prepare a decoction by boiling equal quantities of ginger (adrak), holy basil (tulsi) and black pepper (kali mirch). Take this mixed with half a teaspoon of honey.

* Another useful home remedy for asthma is honey and ginger juice. Take one teaspoon of honey along with few drops of fresh ginger (adrak) juice on an empty stomach in the morning.

* Boil some carom seeds (ajwain) in water. Inhale the fumes produced by this hot solution. This helps relieve chest congestion.

* Carom seeds (ajwain) are also beneficial in reducing the excessive production of phlegm. Take carom seeds in the form of powder twice daily, or prepare a decoction and take it warm. This remedy is taken especially in bronchial asthma, when phlegm remains stuck in the bronchioles.

* The smoke that is obtained by burning asafoetida (hing) can be inhaled to get relief from spasms of bronchial asthma.

more information on https://www.babaramdevmedicines.com/ramdev-medicines/asthama.htm

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